Author Archives: The Hypnosis Dr - Dr. Marlene

Hypnosis at Work: Theory #3

THEORIES OF HYPNOSIS: WHAT MAKES IT WORK? Why does Hypnosis work? This question has puzzled scientists for many decades. As with any scientific puzzle, numerous explanations have been advanced. Physiological explanations have taken one of three main forms: Parasympathetic Nervous System Activation Brain-Wave Patterns Complex Interaction of both Brain Hemispheres We will look at each

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Risks of Hypnosis

While there are some risks involved in the use of Hypnosis, in some contexts, these have been greatly exaggerated. Milton Erickson, M.D. — psychiatrist and leading authority on Hypnosis — stated that Hypnosis itself has never been harmful in any way to a subject. However, just as can drugs or any other treatment, it can be misused. According to Dr. Erickson, it is the misuse, not Hypnosis itself, which could be harmful.
