The Life Coach Dr.

You Can …

Increase Your Sense of Well-being and Life Wellness NOW!

I am Dr. Marlene Shiple and I’m here to help!  I encourage you to look around, browse through our site and, then, contact us to pursue your own Emotional Wellness!  We are eager to help you create your own practical, effective solutions!

Hypnosis Dr., Dr. Marlene Shiple for Hypnosis Coaching Success!Our Coaching Therapy Services are designed to provide you with a step-by-step Blueprint for Life Change — to create the Life you’ve been desiring to live.  We help you to define your goal(s), and, then, we work together with you to create a Plan of Action.  This Action Plan is specifically designed to accomplish those goals in the most-direct fashion possible.

We WANT you to be successful!  We want you to experience joy and happiness … in whatever forms are meaningful to you.  We want you to live a life that is worthwhile and meaningful to you!

And we want to help you get started NOW …
